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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Pokemon Crystal System : GameBoy Color Date Added : 2005-01-23 11:27:23 Views : 23060 Easy way to get from Johto to Kanto If the magnet train isn't running yet, you just fly to New Bark town and surf three tiles east. then, simply fly to the place you want to be. Golden Gyrados and/or Magikarp Catch the red gyardos and then go get a ditto. Take them to the day care and you will get an egg with the gold pokemon inside. Easy money and level up's! First you need to start with Cyndaquil evolve it twice till you get a Typhlosion get it to level 90 let it learn Swift, Flamethrower, cut, and strength. Now get the red Gyrados scale take it to Mr. Poke`mon after cherrygrove city he will give you Exp. Share give that to the poke`mon you want to train then go to the Indigo plateu in Kanto get a couple of hyper and max potions reheal all of your poke`mon at the poke` center put your Typhlosion in the first poke`mon slot and go fight the Elite four first one uses phsychic poke`mon the second one uses grass and bud the third uses fighting and the fourth uses dark then you fight Lance the champion he uses dragon type pokemon his strongest is a level 50 Dragonite. p.s. you need to get a couple of prlyz heals. Extremespeed Dratini After you have deafeated Clair go to the Dragons den and go inside the Dragon shrine and take the quiz. Below are the questions. The questions that have a * beside it are incorrect ones, choose the ones that don't have a * beside it. 1. Underling 2. Cheating 3. Weak person/people or Tough person/people 4. Violence 5. Tough or weak Egg groups Try breeding two pokemon from the same group or with ditto and you will get a egg Rule 1: Pokémon belonging to group x cannot produce eggs. Rule 2: Pokémon in groups 1-13 are only compatible with other pokémon in their groups. Rule 3: Any pokémon belonging to groups 1-14 can be breeded successfully with a ditto. Rule 4: Pokémon belonging to group 14 can only be breeded successfully with a ditto. Rule 5: You cannot breed a ditto with another ditto. Bring on the groups: Group x: No eggs-group pokémon articuno cleffa elekid entei ho-oh igglybuff lugia magby mew mewtwo moltres nidoqueen nidorina pichu raikou smoochum suicune togepi tyrogue unown zapdos Group 1: Plant-group pokémon bayleef bellossom bellsprout bulbasaur chikorita exeggcute exeggutor gloom hoppip ivysaur jumpluff meganium oddish paras parasect skiploom sunflora sunkren tangela venusaur victreebel vileplume weepinbell Group 2: Bug-group pokémon ariados beedrill butterfree caterpie forretress gligar heracross kakuna ledian ledyba matapod paras parasect pineco pinsir scizor scyther shuckle spinarak venomoth venonat weedle yanma Group 3: Flying-group pokémon aerodactyl crobat dodrio doduo farfetch'd fearow golbat hoothoot murkrow natu noctowl pidgeot pidgeotto pidgey skarmory spearow togetic xatu zubat Group 4: Humanshape-group pokémon abra alakazam drowzee electabuzz hitmonchan hitmonlee hitmontop hypno jynx kadabra machamp machoke machop magmar mr. mime Group 5: Mineral-group pokémon geodude golem graveler onix steelix sudowoodo Group 6: Indeterminate-group pokémon gastly gengar grimer haunter koffing magcargo misdreavus muk slugma weezing wobbuffet Group 7: Ground-group pokémon aipom ampharos arbok arcanine cyndaquil delibird dewgong diglett donphan dugtrio dunsparce eevee ekans espeon farfetch'd flaaffy flareon furret girafarig golduck granbull growlithe houndoom houndour jolteon mankey mareep meowth miltank nidoking nidoran female nidoran male nidorino ninetales persian phanpy pikachu piloswine ponyta primeape psyduck quagsire quilava raichu rapidash raticate rattata rhydon rhyhorn sandshrew sandslash seel sentret smeargle sneasel snubbull stantler swinub tauros teddiursa typhlosion umbreon ursaring vaporeon vulpix wooper Group 8: Water 1-group pokémon azumarill blastoise corsola croconaw delibird dewgong dragonair dragonite dratini feraligatr golduck horsea kabuto kabutops kingdra lapras mantine marill octillery omanyte omastar politoed poliwag poliwhirl poliwrath psyduck quagsire remoraid seadra seel slowbro slowking slowpoke squirtle totodile wartortle wooper Group 9: water 2-group pokémon chinchou goldeen gyarados lanturn magikarp octillery qwilfish remoraid seaking Group 10: Water 3-group pokémon cloyster corsola kabuto kabutops kingler krabby omanyte omastar shellder tentacool tentacruel Group 11: Monster-group pokémon ampharos bayleef blastoise bulbasaur charizard charmander charmeleon chikorita crocanaw cubone feraligatr flaaffy ivysaur kangaskhan lapras larvitar lickitung mareep marowak meganium nidoking nidoran male nidoran female nidorino pupitar rhydon rhyhorn slowbro slowking slowpoke snorlax squirtle totodile tyranitar venusaur wartortle Group 12: Fairy-group pokémon azumarill blissey chansey clefable clefairy granbull hoppip jigglypuff jumpluff marill pikachu raichu skiploom snubbull wigglytuff Group 13: Dragon-group pokémon arbok charizard charmander charmeleon dragonair dragonite dratini ekans gyrados horsea kingdra magikarp seadra Group 14: Gender unknown-group pokémon electrode magnemite magneton porygon porygon2 starmie staryu voltorb Group 15: Ditto group ditto How to get baby Pokemon Male Pikachu / Raichu with a Female Pikachu / Raichu or a Male / Female Pikachu / Raichu with a Ditto = Pichu Male Electabuzz with a Female Electabuzz or a Male / Female Electabuzz with a Ditto = Elekid Male Magmar with a Female Magmar or a Male / Female Magmar with a Ditto = Magby Male Hitmonchan / Hitmonlee / Hitmontop with a Ditto = Tyrogue Female Jynx with a Ditto = Smoochum Male Clefairy / Clefable with a Female Clefairy / Clefable or a Male / Female Clefairy / Clefable with a Ditto = Cleffa Male Jigglypuff / Wigglytuff with a Female Jigglypuff / Wigglytuff or a Male / Female Jigglypuff / Wigglytuff with a Ditto = Igglybuff Get the Rainbow Wing To get the Rainbow Wing, capture Raikou, Suicine and Entei and take them back to the Tin Tower. This method is different than those used in Gold and Silver. Gold Pokemon and Gold Gyarados or Magikarp Breed a Gyarados and a Red Gyarados, wait for a day in the game, then collect your egg. Your egg will hatch to a gold Magikarp, evolve your gold Magikarp into a gold Gyarados. Put gold Gyarados on the sixth of your list. Put a pokemon that you want to turn gold (it has to be able to evolve) on the second of your list, and a pokemon that knows fly on the top of your list. Deposit all your pokemon except the first one on your list, then enter the bug catching competition on route 15, and go to the man. He will ask if you want to leave, say no, then fly out. Your pokemon that you want to turn gold will be gold, but with gold gyarados' name. How to get a Celibi Start the game with a Chicorita make it evolve into a Maganium and mate it with a Alakazam to obtain Celibi. Expensive Items For Free Important: In order to do this cheat you will need a Blue Card from the DJ on the 2nd floor (Beruna). Once every day, listen to your raido on channel 10.5 between 6:00 pm and 12:00 pm. you will hear a password show. Listen for the password. Then go to the raido tower in Goldenrod City. On the 2nd floor there is a station. Go to the announcer and she'll put you on the raido to tell the password. You get three choices. One is correct. You will get one point for each password each day. There is a lady in the bottom right corner of the statino. She is the one who exchanges your points for items. Here is a list of the items and how many points they cost. Item Points Ultra Ball 2 Full Restore 2 Nugget 3 Rare Candy 3 Protein 5 Iron 5 Carbos 5 Calcium 5 Hp Up 5 Hope you enjoy free items ! Phone Fun In Pokemon Crystal many phone conversations have changed and sometimes people will even give you rare stones, so get as many phone numbers as possible to get a better chance of receiving a stone from one of your phone buddies. Duplicate Items/Clone Pokemon Go to a PC, and save. Attach the item you want to duplicate to the Pokemon you want to clone. Deposit it into the PC. Change boxes. When the screen is saying "Saving the game..." Turn off your GB. Turn it back on. You should have the deposited Pokemon in the PC, and a clone of it in your lineup. The item will either be on both monsters, or in your Backpack. Note: while doing this code, DO NOT withdraw any Pokemon. When the GB is turned back on, you'll find that the withdrawn Pokemon has been deleted. Note I: You can duplicate up to 5 items/Pokemon at a time. Note II: Use this code at your own risk. It may corrupt your save data if done incorrectly. Pokemon Not in the Game The following Pokemon cannot be found in Pokemon Crystal. You'll have to transfer them from Gold, Silver, Red, Yellow or Blue. As always, Mew and Celebi can only be gotten from special events or contests. Mankey Primeape Vulpix Ninetales Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos Girafarig Remoraid Octillery Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Charmander Charmeleon Charizard Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise Omanyte Omastar Articuno Kabuto Kabutops Zapdos Moltres Mewtwo Breeding/Evolving Pokemon Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu. Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Elekid. Breed two Clefairies and you get Cleffa. Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Igglybuff. Breed two Magmars and you get Magby. Breed a Venonat with a Pinsir to get Pinsir. Breed a Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee with a Ditto to get Tyrogue. Breed a Clefairy with a Snubbull to get another Snubbul. Breed a Gyarados with the Red Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp. Serebii Hook up the mobile adapter. Go to the communication center in Goldenrod City, and read the message on the lockers to the right of the room. They will talk about a present from the future. Leave and the blue-haired nurse will ask you to defeat all sixteen gyms in order to obtain the GS Ball. Once you have done so, give the GS Ball to Kurt. The next day, he will give it back. Put it in the shrine in the Ilex forest and a level 30 Serebii (Celebi) will attack you. Mysterious Channel 13.5 Use your radio in the ruins of Alph to tune into Channel 13.5. You will hear mysterious sounds made by the Annon (Unown). Annon In the back of each puzzle room in the ruins of Alph is a word formed by Annons (Unowns). They require you to do things in order to get into a back room. In one place, you must equip a Water Stone. In another, you must put Houou (Ho-Oh) first in your lineup. In another you must use an Escape Rope. In another you must use Flash. Once in the back room, pick up the items and fall down the hole to find a room with a message about Annon/Unown. Fall down the hole there to return to the Annon/Unown shrine. Suikun Find Suikun (Suicune) in three different places (right out of National Park, below the bush by Mount Mortar, and up in Cianwood). Then, go to Tin Tower, and Suikun/Suicune will appear to fight you. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Pokemon Crystal cheat codes.
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